Close Proximity to Kai Tak
Load MoreOutdoor Swimming Pool of the residents’ clubhouse
This photograph was taken on 25 June at The Henley and has been integrated and colour fine-tuned with computerized imaging techniques. The clubhouse (including any recreational facilities for residents' use) including but not limited to its names, layouts, designs, settings, usages, fittings, finishes and appliances may be changed and are for reference only. The vendor reserves all rights to make changes according to actual circumstances without prior notice, and all are subject to actual provisions upon handover and the final plans approved by relevant Government authorities or the consent letter(s) or permit(s) that are required. The opening hours and terms and conditions of the recreational facilities of the clubhouse are subject to relevant laws, land grant, deed of mutual covenant as well as onsite's environmental constraints. The recreational facilities may not be able to be used immediately upon handover and the outdoor swimming pool will be opened only after obtaining the licence from the relevant Government authorities. Charges may be applied to the use of clubhouse facilities.